Jerusalem - Eye of the Universe
soul of the world
in the heart of the land
together we stand in the
eye of the universe
where G-d meets man
through the joy and the pain
eye of the universe
City of peace
between the body and the soul
and the heavens and the earth
between one another
and please G-d soon with the nations of the world
so her people pray for the day
no more need to fight
and her G-dly light
will shine even brighter
revive the life
oh yerushalayim
I can’t explain
but I’ve never felt this way
Ive gotta kiss the ground cause Im overwhelmed
Im in love with this ancient city
theres something in the air
I never felt anywhere
tell me why
Im feeling more alive
with every step I take
as I make my way
to the heart of the holy city
and i touch the wall of stone
like it’s a part of my bones
and with a gentle kiss I know
I finally found my way home