A Book About You:
Individuality and Soul
By Rabbi David Green
Mosaica Press, 224 pages
The month of Elul is a time of self-reflection and repentance in preparation for the High Holy Days. “A Book About You: Individuality and Soul Awareness” is the perfect tool to prepare for the journey.
In his book, Rabbi David Green, artist, musician and spiritual leader, guides the reader through a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Using a personality quiz and thought-provoking questions and stories, the book urges the reader to discover what sparks a personal sense of meaning and excitement in life. Honing the answers to these questions will, claims Green, help the reader arrive at a point of deeper self-actualization.
His book begins with his own journey: “When I started to become my true Jewish self, one of the things that

really bothered me was what seemed to be the lack of personality and individuality in the religious world. So many people dressed the same and talked and walked to the same boring melody. ... As I started learning some of the deeper Torah sources, I saw how being a robot in my observance was the last thing God wanted of me. My unique qualities were supposed to blossom within the framework of a life of Torah and mitzvos. I discovered that true observance of God’s will was not about becoming one of them or blending into the crowd. I discovered that it was about becoming who I truly am and living the life that I am brought into this world to live.”
The book is divided in three sections: Who Are You, What Are You and Making It Real. Drawing upon principles of Kabbalah and the wisdom of Torah throughout, readers are assisted in recognizing one’s personality type in order to better align one’s soul and identity and to find one’s unique purpose. In other words, “A Book About You" is dedicated to help you better understand who you are and discover what your mission is in life.
Throughout the book, Green’s original soulful lyrics are referenced and readers may download songs and other tools and materials from his website at realyouproject.com.
— Melissa Gerr