Have you ever asked yourself..
Where is my Soul?
How can I feel more in touch with my soul?
What is my spiritual anatomy?
How can I achieve a higher level of inner awareness and growth?
What happens to the soul when we die?
These are just a few of the questions addressed in this fascinating book.
Accompanied by illustrations and inspirational photographs, its powerful message will help to make your soul a more relatable and accessible part of your daily life. An amazing journey through the ups and downs of achieving real happiness... based on Tanya.
Moshe Schlass
"What makes this book special is the combination of Tanya concepts and artistic photos. Profound ideas and sacred text presented in both mediums"
World renowned author councillor lecturer and philosopher
"A masterful work of art and spirituality. This is a unique Sefer (book), one to be studied and seen over and over again"
Congregation Aish Kodesh of Woodmere, N.Y.
"My friend, R' Dovid Green, has combined years of study and contemplation of complex ideas and a word class abilitv to present them, he has produced a work with lessons that will live eternallv within the reader... can hardlv wait to share this with mv own students"
World renown author and Rav. Kehillas Shivtei Yeshurn,
Ramat Beit Shemesh Israel
"Pictures of vour Soul is a powerful message on spiritual growth. It is beautifully presented and perfect for a wide audience. If you want to bring life to vour soul this is an experience you can't miss."
WS.I Restsellins author of Performance Driven Giving,
CEO Morgan James Publishing
A Book About You

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Listen on these and hundreds of other music streaming services.
The author, also a talented musical artist, has just completed his new album 'Empty Spaces". HIs first album “Journey to the Real You” expresses many of the same themes and emotions expressed in this book. Lyrics are quoted throughout the book, creating an exciting and dynamic experience for both works.
Features some of the worlds most talented musicians and the highest standards of production quality.
Let the powerful medium of music help you internalize the critical lessons of this book.
"Every human being is unique not only in one's being, but in the mission one has to fulfill. David Green outlines this two-fold uniqueness, which is essential for a person to achieve fulfillment and happiness."
Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, MD
Rabbi, psychiatrist and founder of Gateway Rehabilitation Center for addiction treatment. He is the author of more than 60 books.
“G-d made every person unique. This book is a powerful tool to help you discover your individual purpose in this world”
Rabbi Yitzchok Berkowitz
Leading expert on the Torah’s wisdom regarding interpersonal relationships, dean of the Jerusalem Kollel and the Center for Jewish Values.
"Defining one's individuality is a major challenge, and yet it is perhaps the most important exercise in self-development. Until you know who you are, you cannot know the path you must walk. This book introduces that exercise and therefore shines a light on that path."
Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz
Founder and director of the Jerusalem Medical Ethics Forum, international lecturer and author.
About the book
Take a journey to the real you. First, discover who you are as an individual with a unique contribution to make in this world. Learn what you need to know to feel confident in your big choices and enjoy a stronger sense of inner peace as you move forward in life.
This book also explores the depths of what makes you human, the anatomy of the soul and its relationship to the body, and how that relates to principles of meaning and pleasure. The more we are in touch with the needs of the soul in general, the more we can understand how our individual aspirations fit into the bigger picture of life. Treat yourself to being inspired.
+1437 342 1032
Enjoy the online course "Awaken You Soul" teaching critical lessons to help you on your journey to self awareness. The course includes a full array of video, reading, presentations and other forms of multimedia. Take a look at the preview.

The Project
The Real You Project utilizes music, writing, multi media and seminars to help people discover their unique talents and a deeper sense of inner awareness, thereby helping them on their path to a more fulfilling and sincere life.
We live in a generation where low self esteem, powerful social pressure and confusing values have created a feeling of alienation from our own selves. Who has a chance to hear what is really going on inside our hearts and souls? The Real You Project is designed to help uncover the priceless jewel inside all of us and allow it to shine. Take the journey to the "Real You."